
未来的学生应该意识到,纽约市的生活成本很高,校外租金可能非常高. 下面列出的是茱莉亚学院宿舍的食宿费用和膳食计划. 要谨慎, 学生还应该将出城交通(如适用)计算到总体预算中.


The estimated budget for a first-time, 茱莉亚学院一年级学生2024-2025学年九个月的学费计算如下. This budget includes both direct 和 indirect costs.

  • 直接成本: 学费、杂费、保险和宿舍费用,这些费用直接支付给学生. 
  • 间接成本: 这些是根据学生调查报告给我们的平均值估算的额外费用, 并且会因学生而异.


*学费 $54,400
双人间,含餐费 $22,410
**Student Health Insurance (Estimate) $3,300
取向的费用 $250
可计费费用的小计 $80,360
书籍、用品、个人开支 $4,130
运输 $2,092
估计出席总费用 $86,582

Most students do not pay the full cost of attendance. 近年来,我们90%以上的学生获得了奖学金资助. 未来的学生可以使用我们的 净价计算器 获得他们能够获得多少财政援助以减少总成本的估计.

Most incoming students are assigned to a double room in the Residence Hall. 请参阅下面有关宿舍费用和政策的更多信息.

Estimated Budget for Non-Residence Hall Students

  校外 与父母
*学费 $54,400 $54,400
**Student Health Insurance (Estimate) $3,300 $3,300
取向的费用 (new students only) $250 $250
可计费费用的小计 $57,950 $57,950
住房 $14,400 $0
$6,080 $6,080
书籍、用品、个人开支 $4,130 $4,130
运输 $2,670 $1,170
估计出席总费用 $85,230 $69,330

*用于军事和国防部谅解备忘录目的, Juilliard’s per-credit tuition rate for 2024-25 is $2,267, based on full-time study of 12 credits per semester.

**Health insurance is billed to all students.  U.S. Citizens 和 permanent residents with qualifying, U.S.-based health coverage may apply to have this fee waived.  The plan is m和atory for all international students.  


注册订金 $250
新生迎新费 $250
Matriculation Fee (required of nonresident doctoral students) $500
宿舍楼预订费 $150
双专业学费 $14,200
Secondary Applied Study Fee—one hour / one-half hour per week $9,360/4,680
Late 付款 Charge—charge depends on payment date $50/250
退回支票的服务费 $25
Late Pre-Registration/Registration Fee $50/150
保健服务费 $200
Health Insurance—waived under certain conditions (estimate) $3,300
Official Transcript Fee (per copy) $5



新录取的本科生如欲预定下一届入学班,必须在5月1日前缴纳入学保证金. Newly admitted graduate students must pay the enrollment deposit by April 15. If the enrollment deposit is not received by the deadline indicated, a student’s place at Juilliard will not be guaranteed. The enrollment deposit is not refundable. 入学保证金作为学生开学费用的学分.


每年一半的学费和所有适用费用的账单将于7月在网上提供,并且必须以美元支付.S. 2024年8月16日. 下半部分学费的账单将于11月公布,必须在12月1日前支付, 2024. 可亲自付款, 通过电汇, online or by mail to the Office of 学生账户.

Students who expect financial assistance (including Juilliard, 联邦, 或国家补助或贷款),但在上述到期日之前未获得资金或官方担保的, must make full tuition payments by the due date.

A deferred payment plan for tuition, 费用, 和 on-campus room 和 board charges is available via Nelnet. 有关该计划的信息可以通过联系学生账户办公室或在Cadence在线获得, 茱莉亚学生门户网站.


  • 艺术家文凭 program (any major)
  • 音乐艺术博士 program (any major)
  • 历史表演节目 
  • 美术硕士 in 代理 program

请注意, 然而, that students are responsible for their living expenses 和 费用, including the Student Health Insurance Fee 和 the 取向的费用 when applicable. 


请注意,如果任何部分的学费在规定的到期日之后未付, payments will be subject to the following late payment 费用 和 sanctions:


2024年8月16日 $50
2024年9月13日 额外的250美元
2024年12月1日 Not permitted to register for spring semester 和 subject to immediate dismissal


2024年12月1日 $50
2025年1月31日 额外的250美元
2025年3月1日 Not permitted to register for fall semester 和 subject to immediate dismissal



支付学费的学生, 奖学金, 和 loans for the semester exceed the amount due will receive a refund. 退款支票在秋季学期的第二周提供,通常在春季学期的第一周提供. 在esball世博收到所有资金并将其记入学生账户之前,退款不会发出. 支票可从学生账户办公室获得,并将在可能的情况下分发到学生邮箱.


If a student wishes to withdraw from the school, written notice must be given to the provost’s office. 正式退课日期为通知教务长或参加任何与教育有关的活动(包括参加演出)的最后一天。, 以较晚的为准.

For withdrawals that occur after the semester has begun, 奖学金可按比例发放, 和 联邦 student aid may be cancelled, based on the number of calendar days attended.  政府资金的返还可能会造成学生对茱莉亚学院负责的余额. 在其学术生涯的任何时间从任何学生贷款计划中借款的学生应在退出之前联系财务援助办公室以了解更多关于还款要求的信息.

如果教务长在任何学期的第一天上课前收到书面退学通知, the student has no responsibility for the semester’s tuition. 在任何一个学期退学的学生都要支付该学期学费的100%, depending on the date of withdrawal, 如下:

第一周内: 10%
第二周内: 25%
第三周内: 50%
第四周内: 75%
第四周后: 100%


学生应该被开除吗, the same policy of financial aid adjustment 和 tuition responsibility will apply.

Barnard, Columbia, 和 Juilliard Exchange Program

If a student wishes to withdraw from the Exchange Program, written notice must be given to the Juilliard School Provost. 如果在任何学期的第一天上课前收到书面退学通知, the student has no responsibility for the semester’s tuition. 在学期中退学的学生需要支付该学期学费的100%, depending upon the date of withdrawal, 如下:

第一周内: 10%
第二周内: 25%
第二周后: 100%

付款 和 Contract for Residence Hall


To guarantee a room for the 2024-2025 academic year, returning students must pre-register for fall classes, 和, 在5月份的注册期间, pay a $150 residence hall reservation fee 和 sign a housing contract. All first-time college students 和 other new students must pay a $250 non-refundable enrollment deposit to the Office of 招生; at the same time, 这些学生必须签订住房合同,并支付150美元的宿舍预订费. 学生可以选择签订一份为期两年的合同,以在下一学年锁定当前的费率.

所有学生, 150美元的费用由学校保留作为房间损坏押金,并在学年结束时退还, 在设施被检查和评估个人和公共区域的损坏之后. 如果学生已经签订了住房合同,但后来选择不住在宿舍,则宿舍预订费不予退还. Half of the annual residence hall 费用 are due from all students by 2024年8月16日. The remainder of the residence hall 费用 are due 2024年12月1日. These 费用 will appear on the tuition bill 和 may be paid in person, online or by mail to the Office of 学生账户.


房间类型  学年率   两年费率* 
双人房 $22,410 $21,340
单人房 $27,970 $26,640



学生可以选择签署一份为期两年的住房合同,以确保本学年和下一学年的房价时间表. This does not guarantee the equivalent room type for the following academic year. Students are required to pay the housing reservation fee each academic year.




Date of contract signature – May 15 $150 housing reservation fee will be forfeited
5月16日- 6月15日 25% of semester housing charges, plus forfeiture of the housing reservation fee
6月16日- 7月15日 50% of semester housing charges, plus forfeiture of the housing reservation fee
7月16日- 8月1日 75% of semester housing charges, plus forfeiture of the housing reservation fee
8月2日或之后 学期住宿费的100%, plus forfeiture of the housing reservation fee, unless the student withdraws from the school. 在这种情况下, 学费减免的范围仅限于学费和财政援助网页上列出的学校退款时间表.


The estimated budget for a first-time, 在为期9个月的2023-2024学年,茱莉亚学院一年级学生的计算方法如下. 学费, 费用, insurance, 和 residence hall expenses are billed directly to students. Other amounts are estimates based on averages reported to us through student surveys, 并且会因学生而异.

*学费 $53,300
双人间,含餐费 $21,340
**Student Health Insurance (Estimate) $3,000
取向的费用 $250
可计费费用的小计 $77,890
书籍、用品、个人开支 $4,000
运输 $2,002
估计出席总费用 $83,892

Most incoming students are assigned to a double room in the Residence Hall. 请参阅下面有关宿舍费用和政策的更多信息.

Estimated Budget for Non-Residence Hall Students

  校外 与父母
*学费 $53,300 $53,300
**Student Health Insurance (Estimate) $3,000 $3,000
取向的费用 (new students only) $250 $250
可计费费用的小计 $56,550 $56,550
住房 $13,500 $0
$5,760 $5,760
书籍、用品、个人开支 $4,000 $4,000
运输 $2,430 $990
估计出席总费用 $82,240 $67,300

*用于军事和国防部谅解备忘录目的, Juilliard’s per-credit tuition rate for 2023-24 is $2,221, based on full-time study of 12 credits per semester.

**Health insurance is billed to all students.  U.S. Citizens 和 permanent residents with qualifying, U.S.-based health coverage may apply to have this fee waived.  The plan is m和atory for all international students.